👋 Hi - I'm Victor, and this is my blog.

I'm a software engineer who loves building web apps and designing backend systems. I enjoy working in a team environment where skills can be shared as well as developed. Currently, I'm working at IOTA Foundation

I love taking on complex challenges and creating product-oriented solutions that make a real impact. ✨

My technical toolbox is quite diverse, and I'm proficient in various technologies, such as ReactJS, NodeJS, NextJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Solidity, and Python.

Frontend-focused engineer with experience working across teams, leading technical projects, and building processes, interested in social good.


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Everything I've written online.

  • Published — Stuff I've sent.
  • Unpublished — Those with a potential future.
  • Medium — published externally.
  • Tags — Haphazardly organized loosely by interest.

you can find all other posts in the log